Hello, my name is sandra bedjil i'm 21 years old i want to release my dream which is to continue my studies in this Paris and in this beautiful universities here i got a list of them

paris 8 university
saint germain des pres university
campus grand moulin
university Evry val d'essonne university
paris saclay university
sorbonne university
Paris-Est-Créteil-Val-de-Marne university

i have a science Baccalaureate, i did my steps to be accpeted in universities of my dreams here i paris, i have many goals that i want to achieve so i really hope that i got the chance to be accepted .My passion is sport exactly karate do, walking, traveling, reading books and even you can find a little book that maybe can interest you

the little book .

Here a picture of me, if you're wondering how do i look like 😎